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2004-09-29 @ 9:44 a.m.

huge apologies to all the wonderful people who signed my guestbook in the past several months and whom i never replied to. i just realized people had actually been signing my guestbook. all this time i thought no one cared or was reading. sniff, sniff. so imagine my delight this morning when i actually looked at my guestbook for probably the first time in 2004. i feel like i used to get an e-mail when someone signed my guestbook or something. or maybe i used to just check it obsessively or something. sigh. so thank you all for your comments, and i promise i'll be more attentive. :)

also, if you haven't yet read yesterday's entry about October as Breast Cancer Industry Month and Thinking Before You Pink, please go read it. And then go to and watch the cool internet flash movie and then send a message to research funders online.


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