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Think Before You Pink
2004-09-28 @ 10:42 a.m.

This is the project I've been super busy with at work over the last month or so. It's a very cool Internet Flash movie about the ridiculously uncoordinated state of breast cancer research (I know, sounds boring, but the movie is actually quite entertaining). It's getting lots of press attention too! I've remembered that I do like working with the media when things are going my way :) Anyway, enough out of me. Read on, then go to (and don't forget to click to take action when the flash movie is finished. be sure to turn your speakers on. when you're done, pass the message on...:) )


October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. (Though with all the pink ribbon products on the market, it seems more like Breast Cancer Industry Month.) Right now over 30 federal agencies and dozens of foundations, pharmaceutical and biotech companies are conducting or funding research; thousands of companies are raising money for research. But how much closer are we to finding answers?

* No one knows how much money is being raised every year.
* No one knows how much money is being spent every year.
* No one knows where the money is going.

We know more about erectile dysfunction than we do breast cancer. Meanwhile, mothers, sisters and daughters are dying�at a rate of nearly 110 women a day. Before you finish reading this email another woman will be diagnosed with breast cancer.

The pink ribbon culture of breast cancer would have us run our marathons and write our checks�end of story.

We need more than just awareness. We need action.

That's why I'm urging you to join Breast Cancer Action's efforts for change. Send a message to the people who fund breast cancer research. Ask them to coordinate their efforts so we can find the causes�and the solutions�for breast cancer sooner rather than later.

Before you give another nickel or dime to breast cancer research, Think Before You Pink.

Find out more about Breast Cancer Action�s Puzzle Project for Breast Cancer Research:

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