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carol for president
2003-10-24 @ 4:51 p.m.

my self-designed (a la cafepress) carol moseley moseley braun for president t-shirt came in the mail. yeah!

i know some people have mixed feelings about her campaign. but i'm so excited about it and am inspired by her courage to stay in the race despite all the trash thrown her way in the media. i have my fingers crossed that she'll stay in until the primary. can you imagine how exciting it would be to vote for a woman for president--that's a first for a whole generation. even if it's just casting a vote during the primary, she is forging a broader, stronger and less rocky path for the future of women in politics. because of carol's campaign, the next woman who runs will have it a little bit easier than carol did, who had it a little bit easier than elizabeth dole... pat schroeder... it sucks that this list is so short.

i was in early elementary school when geraldine ferraro ran for VP with walter mondale. i thought it was soooo cool that a girl could do that. i remember a girl in my class---nicole f---telling me that if she were old enough she wouldn't vote for a woman because a woman wouldn't make a good president. i couldn't understand such a concept. why the hell not?

recently i was at a fundraiser for carol moseley braun hosted by NOW. (ok, the NOW/PAC to be exact). after hearing carol speak i wrote a check for my first-ever campaign contribution. it was only about $25, but every bit helps. after i went up to carol and told her i'm so excited about her campaign and that it means so much to me that she's in the race, she gave me a BIG, long hug. the little me in elementary school who couldn't understand nicole f's twisted logic would never have imagined that many years later a woman presidential candidate would be hugging me.

and those are just the intimately person reasons i'll be voting for her. there's also the fact that i trust the fate of everything i believe in --- the right to safe, legal and accessible abortion and birth control, lesbian/gay rights, civil rights, fair and equal pay, quality education, eradicating poverty and more --- with her over any of the other candidates.

despite the fact it looks as though carol won't win the primary, the more votes she receives, the harder it will be to ignore the fact that women have a steadfast, strong and essential role in this country's political system. women are currently about 14% of the entire u.s. congress. and there's a lingering big fat zero for the number of women in the executive branch--president or vp. that's not ok with me. so i, for one, will be voting toward changing that.

whew. thanks for reading this far. i swear this started out simply as an ooh look i made a t-shirt note, but then i kinda got carried away.

love, me

for more info:
NOW endorsement of Carol Moseley Braun

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