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hear me retch
2003-10-23 @ 4:37 p.m.

asshead from last year e-mailed this to me today. please note that all spelling and grammatical errors are hers, not mine. text was left unaltered for full effect.

It seems to me that this is no easy task. I would really like to talk with you on the phone and for some reason that has not been happening. I can only imagine that you don't want to talk to me. well i am going to try again. if there is a good time that i can talk with you i would love to do that, just tell me a time and i will call. I have realized how unfair and what a dismissive jerk i was with you. you really do have a great friend in s. [name left out for privacy] and she just let me see the other side... with that all said perhaps you will allow me to apologize and grovel just a bit. I know you have a new life and new ventures on the rising, and i do not want to interfer with that, but i feel it is necessary to make ammends with you. If you want allow me by phone than i will have to activate plan #2.

thinking of you,

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