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anti-abortion rights crap
2003-11-05 @ 6:53 p.m.

today Bush signed the so-called partial birth abortion ban. argh. so we organized a protest outside the federal building where the signing ceremony was to take place. upon arrival, the police said no way, no how. told us that if we protested there they'd arrest us. so much for the right to free assembly.

ousted from our original spot, we walked up the block to a busy street corner in downtown DC. which, as it happens, was right along the driving path of the Bush transportation caravan. so he passed us protesting on the way to the signing and on the way back. take that suckah.

and to top off my day, someone just called me at the office, saying only "killing is not a right," before hanging up. and, surprise, it was a man's voice. whatever.

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