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transcript inspired recollections
2003-01-28 @ 6:04 p.m.

i found out how to access my undergrad transcript online. and it's so weird looking it over. i swear it's got to be one of the most erratic transcripts in existence. like how i go from a 1.7 gpa to a 3.8 & dean's list within two terms. such is my life.

there are the classes i completely skated through with little work, the classes i did all the work for but rarely went to class and turned the papers in late so that i got a C where i otherwise would have gotten an A. or how i flunked one of my favorite english classes with the best professor because i was hit with a huge bout of depression mixed in with a lot of drugs and alcohol. i ended up having to repeat that class and i loved it again the second time and didn't even mind doing the readings over again. my transcript has many stories to tell. not quite your average collegiate thing.

and one of my classes, a 20th century lit class, had me remembering this girl. i think her name was kristen. she was so beautiful and had this amazing sexy gorgeous voice when she would read passages outloud in class. sigh. she was maybe one of my first post-coming out crushes and i didn't even realize it until now.

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