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applications sent, celebration ensues
2003-02-02 @ 9:57 p.m.

i had simply one of the most amazing weekends ever. following one of the most heinous weeks in a while. my grad school applications were finished, gorgeous, perfect and mailed off. i stayed up thursday night until 6am friday morning working on the essays. then on friday night i went out for long, long happy hour after work with my friends Femmenist and Super Cool SortaBoss. so i was a little drunk and not really up for working on grad school essays anymore that night.

i didn't get up until about 10 on saturday morning, three hours before my hair appointment with Luscious Straight Boy. so i scrambled to finish that last pesky paragraph of the mills essay. my friend Sarassa came and got me to shuttle me around to kinkos to print out the essay and then to my hair appointment. she even took the mills application to the post office for me while i was getting my hair done.

the ever-fabulous Luscious Straight Boy was redoing the incredibly gorgeous red color on my hair. i am digging on him so much. he's so flirty. and i love that. the lavish attention, that is. he's at this new salon where they dote on you. so he does my hair this amazing color that he mixed up just for me. and he's also the stylist to end all fucking stylists and does my hair up so gorgeous. now he and i bowl at completely different churches, but hot damn are we flirty.

when my hair was done it looked so fab and everyone in the salon was in awe of Luscious Straight Boy's artistry. he wanted to take a picture of me with the salon's digital camera, for his portfolio or whatever. he takes a couple headshots and then gets behind me to take a picture of the two of us. then he gets the owner to take a picture of us. so Luscious Straight Boy is behind me with his arms around my waist and stomach. mmmm. then the owner decides it would look better if i'm not wrapped in a bland gray robe. so there i am in a salon of fabulous gay men (Luscious Straight Boy being the exception) in my little black bra having a photoshoot.

i'm a leo and was so loving it. but then, since i'm in my little black satin bra, Luscious Straight Boy is like heyyyy and jumps in the picture with me and was all tickling and playfully pinching me. one of the other boys in the shop was like oh god, it's like straight porn. heh, not exactly. but it was so hot. and now i'm kind of strangely a little whooped on him. i'm all giddy. he was in dreams i had the last two nights even. i have to admit that i really really want to push him up against a wall and make out with him. sigh. it's a little bizarre but then also not. i really can't help it. he's the kind of gorgeous that i swear crosses sexual orientation. but if he were a lesbian i would be in freakin heaven.

when i got home later i discovered a bruise on my side from where he had been pinching me, which is even hotter because then it's even more like i had sex. ahhh.

later that evening my friend Femmenist came into DC from baltimore to go to the sex toy version of a tupperware party with me. filled mostly with straight women, but still cool. then Femmenist and i decide to go to badlands, cause it's women's night.

we were both kinda decked out high femme divas. and totally took the stage. so to speak. ahhh, so fun.

stay tuned, more to come...

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