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not all that
2003-04-14 @ 5:03 p.m.

i read you
(any amazing young writer)
i want to fucking cry
because i'm bored
and my life is stale
and fuck fuck shit
is all is want to say
because when it's crass
because when it's ugly,
the words that roll out,
it's more real
i feel more real
i feel less tame and bored
than i really am
sitting at a desk
in an office
in front of a computer
all day
pretending and wishing
my life was more interesting
even horrible
and tragic.
but more,
but different.
something worth
writing about,
because this shit
isn't doing it for me.
the way my buttbone
and my legs and my back
from sitting in a stupid chair
all day,
pretending to work
when really
i'm just fucking around
all over the internet
and really it's so boring
but it passes the time
my life isn't
all that
interesting anymore.

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