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turned, burned, pissed
2005-10-18 @ 12:42 p.m.

people suck and heroes let me down.

why must writers be so snobby about who gets to be a writer and what makes someone a writer? can't they just write their own shit and back the fuck off everyone else. (my emotional response to an online journal entry elsewhere)

maybe i'm just hyper insecure about this sort of thing lately. thinking, two years ago that i was so close to touching and tasting a new literary glory, so close to graduate school in writing. and ever since stupid mills college rejected me (mind you, after wait-listing me, then offering me a spot and a partial scholarship, then making me reapply instead of allowing me to defer enrollment), i've been feeling thoroughly burned on writing. like this one safe haven i'd always had, turned on me.

so, when people say shit like having an online journal doesn't make you a writer, even if it's not directed at me, i take it really fucking personally, as if i have no right to even try.

so, in short, to snobby insecure artists who perhaps fear that the rest of us may one day rise up and take their places: fuck all y'all.

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