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2005-06-30 @ 9:34 a.m.

i just reconnected with one of my closest frieds from eugene on friendster. we were straight girlfriends for a year or 2. we would giggle and get dressed up and be cute and ridiculous. we were tight, a crew of two.

she had these gorgeous black lace up boots that she let me wear when we would get decked out to go have dessert and wine and such. we spent so many nights at the glenwood, arriving at 10 or 11pm, getting free pint size coffee because we were there all the time and the staff loved us.

whenever we were going to have an argument or had stuff we needed to talk about, we go to dairy queen and get blizzards and then talk it out over the ice cream concoctions. a genius plan really.

so i added her to my friendster list and she replied and was like holy fucking shit. it's been over 5 years since we talked.

love friendster on days like this.

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