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not bad
2004-12-22 @ 2:41 p.m.

allow me, for a moment, to completely copy e-voice's entry that made me laugh, smile, and remember why i am so damn lucky to know him:

You Aren't Bad

You aren't bad because you haven�t figured it all out

You aren't bad because you are sad a lot

You aren't bad because someone else said so

You aren't bad because some people don't get you

You aren't bad because you have hair or hair loss in weird places

You aren't bad because you have acne

You aren't bas because some guy in an office decided you are overweight

You aren't bad because some multibillion-dollar industry said you aren't hot

You aren't bead because sometimes you spell things wrong

You aren't bad because someone called you a slut

You aren't bad because you aren't proportional

You aren�t bad because you drank too much

You aren't bad because you believe in sympathy, love, and passion

You aren't bad because you want to leave the person that hurts you

You aren't bad because you know who you are and what you want

You aren't bad because you have doubts about god

You aren't bad because your eyes are too close together, too big, too squinty

You aren't bad because you did not dress right today

You aren't bad because you are oversexed or undersexed

You aren�t bad because you instigated a conversation about oppression

You aren't bad because you said something was unacceptable

You aren't bad because you refused to accept mediocrity

You aren�t bad because mediocre is often the best you can or want to pull off

You aren�t bad because your breasts are too big or too small or different sized

You aren't bad because your dick is too small to too big or curved or straight

You aren't bad because your parents would rather condemn than learn about you

You aren't bad because it still hurts

You aren't bad because you forgot

You aren't bad because you like boys, girls, both, neither, or trannies

You aren't bad because you still love him

You aren't bad because the people around you can�t handle your being subversive

You aren�t bad because your friends don�t like your music

You aren�t bad because you are in pain

You aren�t bad because your meds don't work

You aren't bad because you want to work in a coffee shop and not be a doctor

You aren�t bad because you tanked the SATs, the GREs, the LSATs

You aren't bad because you are not dykey enough

You aren't bad because you are not a gym queen

You aren't bad because you feel weak

You aren't bad because you don't have pecs

You aren't bad because your mac and cheese tastes like shit

You aren't bad because you cross gender lines, or destroy them

You aren't bad because you wear off-season, or off-fashion clothes

You aren't bad because you wanted something different for your life

You aren't bad because you are still dealing with it

You aren't bad because you moved on

You aren't bad because you made a wrong move and want to start over

You aren't bad.

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