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what happens next?
2005-07-01 @ 10:58 a.m.

for those of you who have had better things to do than be obsessed about a supreme court justice retirement for the last several years, here's a primer of how things go down. with my opinions interspersed, of course.

- the white house will announce their first nominee. this is likely to happen on tuesday. in his smarmy remarks to the press, bush said that they're not announcing a nominee today because they want it to be "sandra's day." such crap. my opinion is that they're not announcing today so that progressive groups won't have an entire long weekend to ramp up planning of our first moves. (planned parenthood has a list of names they've heard might be up for nominations, here. my bets are on bush nominating anyone but a white guy,. from a conservative perspective, it's all the better to divide progressive communities with.

- the senate judiciary committee schedules a hearing on the nominee. 18 senators sit on the judiciary committee, including california's dianne feinstein (this is another reason feinstein needs to hear lots for CA constituents). mass brouhaha, testimony from the nominee, press conferences and more press conferences. the judiciary committee votes on whether to send the nomination to the full senate. therefore, this committee is the first place to quash a nominee. not sure how this will play out in this nomination fight.

- if the nomination is approved by the senate judiciary committee, it goes to the full senate. this is where any filibustering will happen (primer on filibusters). this is where the big fight will be. senators will be hearing from both sides, the range of liberal and the range of conservative, so your senators need to be hearing from you!

more to come on this process.

additional web resoucres and activism opportunities:

NARAL Pro-Choice America (not my favorite reproductive rights org, but good info nonetheless)

Alliance for Justice

People for the American Way Mobile Phone Alerts

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