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more on the supreme court...
2005-07-19 @ 8:10 p.m.

it's official. the supreme court nominee battle is going to coincide with my think before you pink media cycle at the end of september and beginning of october. dammit. fortunately, it's more of the health and lifestyle (most "women's" issue get relegated to lifestyle sections, isn't that lovely?) beats, so i'll still get some media hits, especially in print.

i'm a non-profit media relations person, i have to think this way. there's always something. when i was publicizing the world march of women in october 2000, the uss cole was bombed a couple days before the event. a reporter told one of my interns "i can't talk right now, the world is ending and we're going to war." that is not a paraphrase, this is seriously how much of the washington media thinks and operates. some day i think i should sit down and do a load of writing about my experiences about publicizing feminist issues and how women-y thing are so incredibly sidelined. maybe that will be my grad school thesis one day.

p.s. bush has nominated john roberts for the high court. a white guy, which i'm really surprised about. but, watching the cnn analysis, with my friend lindsay (a superstar activist in dc), she pointed out that it's highly likely that roberts is just the first nominee, the sacrifical lamb that we can get all whooped up about and dems can filibuster and eventually the nomination will be rescinded or roberts will back out and then bush will nominate a janice rogers brown, edith clement, or alberto gonzalez.

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