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it's not about late-term procedures
2003-03-13 @ 12:39 p.m.

again, my refrain... sigh, it was nice having rights. on behalf of myself and others, i'll miss them.

the u.s. senate just passed an abortion procedures ban. they call it a "partial birth abortion ban," but that name is a lie. why? because there is no such fucking thing as "partial birth abortion." it's not a medical term. it's political terminology made up by people who want to revoke women's control over our reproductive lives to gain sympathy for their cause.

the senate passed the bill this morning. the house of representatives is waiting with bated breath to do the same, and bush is over in the white house basically wetting himself that soon he'll get to sign it into law.

contrary to what you'll read, hear and see most anywhere in the news, this legislation is not about a specific late term procedure. laws already exist to restrict late term abortions. this legislation, and all its predecessors, are worded so vaguely that, based on interpretation of local conservatives, could criminalize termination of a preganancy at any stage.

now i'm writing a press release about it, and people here are stressing me out and it's wigging me out and i'm trying to just get my thoughts out here so i can go do my work and hopefully produce something with some shred of quality. fingers crossed.

arrrrgh. our government relations director keeps hovering over me and asking me how the press release is going and it's driving me crazy.

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