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luscious straight boy
2003-02-22 @ 6:13 p.m.

i am so ridiculously giddy at the moment. i went on a sorta-kinda date with Luscious Straight Boy, the guy who does my hair. (ok, it probably wasn't a date. we hung out. but for kicks i'm calling it a date. even though i'm not exactly sure what constitutes a date). we always flirt when i'm there. and today i admit that i dressed up for my hair appointment. after he was done with my hair, while he was massaging my shoulders, i asked him if he wanted to have coffee sometime. he said, yeah, let's go. he was done for the day and so we went and had coffee together.

he has a girlfriend and i'm gay. but we flirt like mad. he knows a fair amount about astrology and we talked about our sun, moon and rising signs. when we first sat down he asked me something about my relationship status. after coffee he gave me a ride home. during which we talked about our flirtiness and attraction. he asked if i date women or men. women, i told him, and that i hadn't dated a guy in over six years. we talked briefly about the sexual energy we throw back and forth, and he said that it seemed like i'd want to hook up if he didn't have a girlfriend. and i said yeah, which is somewhat bizarre since i don't usually do that. with guys, that is. but i so appreciate people with whom i can be frank, forward and honest, no bullshit.

hug and kiss on the cheek when he dropped me off, which we usually do upon parting. i knew that seeing him today would be a more incredible mood booster than any anti-depressant could ever be. i'm not going to hook up with someone who has a girlfriend again. been there, done that. not a good scene. but either way, hook up or not, i dig him. and i'm fabulously giddy right now.

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