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2006-02-01 @ 12:45 p.m.

i think samuel alito has followed the wrong life path. he should be a dentist. i mean, he totally looks like one. or maybe even an orthodontist. watching the state of the union address last night on c-span (muted, but reading the closed captioning, so i wouldn't actually have the hear the smarm) and news coverage of it a 11, the man just looked so wrong in his black judicial robe. so out of place. he would look so much better in a starched white poly-acrylic dentist coat. hawking molar sealants and obsessive flossing would suit him so much better. a rigid purveyor of headgear would inflict so much less damage on the world.

alas, i don't have the superpowers necessary to replace him with that doppelganger from a parallel reality.

one of my favorite parts of watching the state of the union is picking out how fucking staged it all is. seeing who stands up when, who claps for what, who grimaces, and who bush shakes hands with and nuzzles and such on the way in & out of the room. i love seeing the dems remain seated when the gop side of the room leaps to its feat, clapping and hooting in that weird baritone ultraconservative freakdog manner.
i loved when bush referred to congress not passing his fucked up social security privatization initiative last year and the dems jumped up laughing and clapping.

during the prior state of the union, whatever station i was watching kept flashing to ted kennedy and hillary for reaction. that is great fucking television. kennedy has no shame. it's beautiful. head shaking, grimacing, eyes rolling. i love it. hillary makes a mean pursed lip frown when she wants to though.

the thing that irritated me (ok, one of eight billion things that irritated and infuriated me in the address), was watching who bush canoodled with on the way out of the room. feinstein and sheila jackson lee were all smiles with him. what the hell is that about? unless they're talking trash under their breath, it's highly problematic. seriously. maybe they're trying to go for that image of bipartisanship shit. but why bother with that? please tell me the last time the republican party did anything in congress to help out the dems.

very little in washington politics is accidental. especially when tv cameras are involved, every move is so deliberate. so what did leftish senators and representatives have to gain from such a display? to me, it looked as though national politics are a big fucking game and the top players can go hang out and hug and snog and suck each other off after the show is done and we've all been sold out.


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