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2005-03-16 @ 3:29 p.m.

i've needed a new book. but there are so many and, really, where does one begin? i often dream of going to grad school for lit just so i can read with a purpose and with some direction. but, no. my latest grad school dream, however, is to do a year and a half program in journalism, write for a paper for a few years, then be a freelance writer travelling the world for a couple years, then...

anyway, i was starting to read rebecca by daphne du maurier, because, really, why not read a book with your name as the title? but, i'm just not up for a 1930's gothic suspense novel at the moment. i need something sassy and rich that will pull me in. so at lunch today i stopped by alexander books, just to look. and walked out with loving che by ana menendez and hypocrite in a pouffy white dress by susan jane gilman.

and now i'm back at work when i'd kind of rather go hole up and read. but, fortunately, all my co-workers are all gorgeous books whores as well and i've been revelling in my purchases with them.

so now i'm back to map out the redesign for the organization's newsletter, which is really so much more than a newsletter, so with a new design and a forthcoming official title, it shall soon ... i dunno. back to work.

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