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code: goiter
2003-04-29 @ 12:55 p.m.

i'm still typing one handed because of the post-dislocated, slightly fractured pinky finger. it's a pain in the ass.

here's how it went down: a football was innocently tossed to me. the first time i've been in contact with any kind of sporty gear in years and BAM, my left pinky snapped out of place. at an almost 45 degree angle from the middle joint. it was so very disgusting. yet also fascinating. and very, very painful. extremely swollen, and quite purplish blue.

so a very lovely girl, who actually happens to be the one who tossed the injurous football and feels very guilty about it, stayed with me and took such good care of me all weekend.

now, speaking of this girl. there are certain words i really don't like which start with G, C and R. namely Girlfriend, Commitment and Relationship. because of past fucked up experiences (mixed in with one bay area good one), i've got damage and have developed an aversion to these words when they have anything to do with me. so, my roommate came up with code to help me out. as of this past weekend i've got a Goiter in a Cramped Room. i'm aware it sounds a little bizarre, but it works for me right now.

it's actually fucking healthy. and fun. and she can dance. and she doesn't irritate me. and i like her. and she wants me, just me. i am in such awe.

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