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move or not
2003-07-21 @ 12:37 p.m.

i've got to be making a decision about grad school sometime really soon. quite honestly, i'm leaning towards having mills hold my application until spring. which means it would go through another selection process. which means i'll be begging for crossed fingers again.

i just don't feel ready to move across the country and start school in 4 weeks. i think that would be such a set-up for disaster with me. when i go, i want to be really ready, prepared to put in all i've got.

the thing that made the decision harder is that the department offered me basically a third of tuition for the school year. which is awesome. but at the same time is doesn't really help me that much up front money-wise. it's just less that i'll have to pay off when i'm all done.

so that's the way i'm leaning right now. putting it off a few months, so that i'll have time to save $$.

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