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six ounces to...
2006-02-28 @ 11:08 a.m.

last night, half a pacifico and i turn into the world's biggest crybaby. which means i was way more lightweight than i thought. or that beer bubbles are the flotation device that bring emotional shit up to the surface.

come to realize this morning that nope, it was just my period. so it's six ounces of mexican beer combined with pms that make me the world's biggest crybaby. which is kind of a relief.

mix those factors in with the vibrator of emotional torture and step back, the flood gates are open. which needs to happen, i suppose, every so often. like forest fires, burning up the residual dead pine cones and shit.

fire fire fire is my metaphor right now. everything is about burning and combustion and smoke and ash.

ok, not everything. but maybe it's my metaphor of the week.

similes are so marginalized. everyone wants a metaphor. but maybe similes are weak whereas metaphors are fucking strong, confident. metaphors claim their space. but maybe similes are softer, more gentle. subtle and reticent. which perhaps makes them all the more intriguing.

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